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Can the aviation industry ever be green?

"Cutting emissions on the scale required to meet carbon targets means big changes in either how, or how much, we fly. Roger East sees an industry in need of radical innovation and asks, can it go fast – and far – enough?"


Sun, wind and wave-powered: Europe unites to build renewable energy 'supergrid'

"It would connect turbines off... ...Scotland with Germany's... panels, and... ...waves crashing on to the Belgian and Danish coasts with the hydro-electric dams nestled in Norway's fjords: Europe's first electricity...


Geese point the way to saving jet fuel

"Scientists have proposed an unusual method for cutting aircraft fuel consumption – they want to fly jumbo jets in formation like geese."


Climate and humans: the long view

"We seem preoccupied today by looming predictions of imminent climate change. This is understandable as our lifestyles and lives appear to be coming under threat from this global phenomenon of unprecedented scale. But if we were...

Category: Climate Change


Copenhagen is a disaster for Africa

"African countries, worst hit by the effects of climate change, were bullied into a deal that does little to help them"

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 286 to 290 out of 1185